
Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Classification Guide

Navigating the In's and Out's of Spectral Danger


Over the course of my travels, it has become increasingly necessary to understand the threats posed by any one spirit, and catalogue said threat for future explorers of the spectral and unseen world. To that end, I have endeavored to create an metric for ghosts and demons of all varieties, based on the the following two factors:

Okiku's Lost Ceramics

The Ghost of Himeji-Jou


It was the urgent call of fellow paranormal experts that drew me from my northern expedition down south to Himeji, in the heart of the Hyougo prefecture. My colleagues, who I knew through marginal exploits, had brought the resurgence of an old spirit to my immediate attention. Specifically, the ghost of a woman from samurai antiquity, whom I had read extensively about over the course of my studies. Though popular accounts had claimed her to lie dormant, new reports fanned old flames of spectral discovery.

Monday, February 19, 2018

An Evening Jaunt with Katakirauwa

A Hop, Skip, and Soul-Sucking Jump 


It was a temperate, calming night upon which I arrived in Ueda, near the northern tip of the Nagano prefecture. The evening birds were chirping, the sun had only recently began its descent, and all about me the city buzzed with an organic serenity. Having spent most of my day on the train, I resolved to stretch my legs some, and went out for a light jog once my hotel arrangements had been settled. Going throughout the urban sprawl at a steady pace, I expected to entertain a modestly peaceful evening.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Evading Aka Manto

A Pernicious Paper Provider


It was a windy day in Tomioka, so much so that my wool overcoat did little to allay the chilling breeze that wafted through the city. Much of my afternoon was spent on the Kabura river, as I had originally traveled to the region to follow up a report of sizable Kappa activity. However, much to my greater ire, I found no signs of any such creatures, and was instead rewarded with an intense boat of river-sickness. Overcome with bloat and discomfort, I quickly took leave of my barge, and made for the nearest wash-room.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Hyousube Harassment

An Ill-Mannered Squatter 


Traveling south through the North Kanto region, I found myself returning to the bustling sprawl of Maebashi, capital of the Gunma prefecture. Upon each of my sojourns there, I am always want to stay at the lovely Regal K Hotel, and this particular instance was no exception to that rule. With boyish excitement, I warmly greeted the ever-friendly staff, and after a swift deposit, quickly bounded up the stairs and into my private suite.

Friday, February 9, 2018

From the Ghost Hunter's Library

Suggested Readings


As always, I shall endeavor to continually provide factual, engaging, and pertinent accounts of the horrifying and unseen specters of our modern moment. However, in addition to my efforts, supplemental material, in both written and visual media, may prove to be equally stimulating, and of palpable interest to you, dear readers.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Supper with Kokkuri-San

An Unfortunate Fortune Teller 


The other day, I found myself enjoying the waning winter snow in the bustling city of Sendai, a sprawling metropolis near the north-most tip of Honshu. Though the natural ambience was lovely, my poor constitution got the better of me, and I soon found myself in dire need of a hot meal. Thankfully, my hotel boasted a modest but well-kept ramen shop on its lowest floor, and after a brisk jaunt around the block I was seated and awaiting my dinner with palpable intrigue.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Prologue to Adventure!

Surviving the Mystical and Mythical 


Salutations good people of the internet! It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this humble travel blog. I must warn you however, that what you find here may cause you to stop dead in your tracks, or force your heart to skip a beat from sheer, unbridled terror. 

Night of the Nue

An Evening's Lament   I was amidst my northbound travels when a letter from a fan redirected me from Ibaraki to Niigata. The author ...